While humanity struggles through a series of socio-ecological crises including the pandemic and climate catastrophes, I've felt largely powerless. During the election I went from being a volunteer to the videographer and communications director for a congressional campaign. Electing a pro Green New deal candidate in Georgia's 9th district, one of the reddest in the country was always a long shot. It felt good to be fighting at least, but now I'm back working a dead end job at Fedex to support my boyfriend and I.
I don't think anyone should live in such a coercive system, I think people should labor for themselves and their community. I'm doing my best to cope, spending time learning from youtubers like Nigel Danson. On the weekends my plan is to get out in nature to relax and build up videography/photography skills.
For this video I went on two trips to the Dahlonega Butterfly Farm. The first time taking photos and the second time taking video. I spent a long time practicing color correcting the footage. I wanted to break from the mainstream which seems to favor less saturated video, so I tried a velvia lut. I want to balance retaining a natural look and creating a vibrant engaging image.

Shot On: Fuji xt4 with vintage canon FD 70-210 lens